air born

Wrapping Webkit's Javascript call API

Sep 30, 2017

WebKitGTK+ allows embedding a fully-featured web engine in GTK+ applications, and you probably would not find a better option if you want to support any kind of browser-like capabilities in the app. It even allows running javascript in context of the web page being rendered by a WebKit WebView. This post is about some trouble I ran into while trying to call javascript from a webview and how I went about solving it.

TL;DR - I wrote an introspectable API.

The Problem

The operation of executing and returning the result is asynchronous in WebKit (and rightly so!). Extracting the result out of the WebKitJavascriptResult object involves fetching references to other objects, namely JavaScriptCore.GlobalContext and JavaScriptCore.Value. Since the JavaScriptCore library, which is written in C++, exposes an interface to call upon and interact with these objects, the whole process of running and reading results becomes quite easy through GObject C, as illustrated in the WebKitGTK+ docs.

However, I wanted to make these execution calls using PyGObject (for an app I’m writing) and found out it was not possible because the module gi.repository.JavaScriptCore contains only opaque definitions for the GlobalContext and Value types, both of which are needed to extract any form of meaningful data from the result of an async call. Try fetching one of these from a WebKitJavascriptResult and you get an exception:

TypeError: Couldn't find foreign struct converter for 'JavaScriptCore.GlobalContext'

Even so, I do not think this was an oversight. PyGObject does cover as much of the API as it was intended to. Supporting types for a library (JavaScriptCore) external to WebKitGTK+ just for the convenience of one method seems unfair. Though I would have really liked if we did not have to deal with these ‘external’ objects altogether. But, I suppose things are the way they are for a reason, even though I fail to get the big picture. Nonetheless, a solution was needed.

The Solution

I tried looking around the web for a quick fix, but I found none. I came after a library written for an outdated version of WebKit and was huge enough to prevent me from attempting to bring it up to date. I tried using everything from ctypes module to Cython to directly call C code or at least wrap it but could not get it to work. I do think its still possible to do this using Cython but I conceded defeat after a few MemoryErrors (bad hacking on my part). This answer on SO finally inspired me to write my own introspectable C API.

I wrote libwkjscore which provides just about enough utility to retrieve most basic types of data from WebKitJavascriptResult objects. Its written in C so that GIR and typelib files can easily be generated for use in other languages. It allows declaring a WkJsCoreResult object which acts as a more handy proxy for the particular WebKitJavascriptResult object that is passed to its constructor. From this object one can ask for its result type and issue one of the result processing functions to get its value either as a boolean, a number or a string. For Javascript objects that do not fall in these categories we can stringify them if possible.

Once library is built, along with GIR and typelib files, and installed (using Meson for all this), we can import it in a language that has GObject introspection bindings for it. I have only used it in Python for now but it should work in GJS and Vala in a similar manner. Here’s a toy demo (hope I’m not being too pedantic):

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0')
gi.require_version('WkJsCore', '0.1')

from gi.repository import Gtk, WebKit2 as WebKit, WkJsCore

The above boilerplate is to make sure that the correct version of each of those libraries are imported. Next we write a function in which we create a scrolled window within a GtkWindow and connect some signals.

def create_window():
    window = Gtk.Window()
    window.set_default_size(250, 100)
    window.connect('delete-event', Gtk.main_quit)

    # Create webview and connect callback to
    # any kind content load change signal
    webview = WebKit.WebView()
    webview.connect("load_changed", load_change_cb)
    webview.load_html('<p id="para">Lorem ipsum</p>')

    # Need a scrollable container for a proper webview
    scrolled = Gtk.ScrolledWindow(hadjustment=None, vadjustment=None)

    return window

def load_change_cb(webview, load_event):
    # This is the event when any kind of content loading
    # has just finished. That's HTML in our case.
    if load_event == WebKit.LoadEvent.FINISHED:
        # Get HTML inside element with id = 'para'
        script = 'document.getElementById("para").innerHTML'
        webview.run_javascript(script, None, js_finished_cb, None)

Anybody who has written an application using WebKit, the above code may seem familiar. We are setting up a GtkWindow with webview, loading some HTML (raw or from a URI), and then doing something once the content has loaded. In this case we are calling Javascript on the loaded content. When webview has finished executing our JS code, it calls the callback function js_finished_cb and passing along the GAsyncResult from the completed operation. Running webview.run_javascript_finish() function on this result will give us a WebKitJavascriptResult object. But we won’t be able to proceed any further in obtaining the actual result from our JS code, at least not from PyGObject. This is where WkJsCoreResult can help:

def js_finished_cb(webview, result, user_data):
    js_result = webview.run_javascript_finish(result)

    # Create a WkJsCore.Result proxy for js_result
    result_proxy = WkJsCore.Result(jsresult=js_result)

    # The result is supposed to be a string...
    assert result_proxy,get_result_type() == WkJsCore.Type.STRING

    # Fetch the result using appropriate process method
    # for the type you want i.e., string in this case
    html_string = result_proxy.process_result_as_string()

That was simple enough right? You pass a WebKitJavascriptResult to construct a WkJsCoreResult object from which you can inquire its type and then ask it for the actual value stored in it through whatever method you feel would be appropriate to prcoess it. Now, all we need is to start the cascade:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    window = create_window

This should spawn a tiny window with the string Lorem ipsum and also print it to the standard output as expected from js_finished_cb callback. Close the window and our demonstration is complete. For a proper description of the methods available for WkJsCoreResult, take a look at the interface file.

Now I can write my Python app which can run Javascript through a WebView, although I did add another dependency. But its fast and compact so thats ok. Feel free to use it in your own projects. You can find wkjscore-result on Github, along with instructions to build and install it. Please report any issues that you encounter.

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